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Prestashop Speed Increase: now more than before a categorical imperative!

Speed up the loading of your Prestashop store: now more than before a categorical imperative!

Speed up your Prestashop has never been so important and that's why Google has recently integrated the famous tool "PageSpeed Insights" into the Search Console.
It is no secret that, since 2018, the speed of loading your Prestashop e-commerce has become one of the fundamental requirements for indexing in Google and to achieve good SEO results in general.
So what can you do to reduce the loading time of Prestashop and improve its SEO performance? The tricks to be taken for SEO optimization are different, starting with the cleaning of the urls, which, by default, in prestashop, are not really perfect because of the ids and product id attribute. Often, however, the problem of speeding up the site, in this area, takes second place. It is instead of fundamental importance to give maximum attention to this specific aspect too, in order to avoid thwarting all the efforts made in other contexts (gliurl cleaning, as said, and text and markup optimization, first of all).
Evaluating the speed of your site is not difficult. There are an infinite number of free tools available on the net, but the Google "PageSpeed Insights", is the one we recommend. Just enter the url of your site in the appropriate field and, in a few seconds, you will receive the response. 100/100 is possibly the coveted goal. If this is not the case, please rest assured and do not despair.
It is certainly true that you will have a lot of work to do and, above all, that it will be a very technical work. Beware of all those modules that promise miracles with a single installation! For an improvement in loading speed, in fact, you will need several interventions, both server side, such as cache optimization and gzip compression, and site side, for the optimization of style sheets, the various scripts used and, above all, for the optimization and compression of images on your e-commerce. It is however equally true that, surely, you will find many professionals able to solve your problems.
PS IT Solution provides all its experience, also in this specific field, with the package "Prestashop Check Service" ("WebSite Check Service" for all other types of cms and sites), a very cheap service with which you will receive a complete analysis of your site and all the necessary information for the resolution of problems encountered.
To this must surely be immediately added the use of the "PS IT Images Compress" module that will help you, with only two clicks, to optimize and compress all the images already present (and obviously future) uploaded on your store or the "PS IT SPEED TOOL", complete tool for GTMetrix optimization of your Prestashop .

Increase the loading speed of your Prestashop with PS IT Speed Modules!

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